Video of an online discussion, published in February 2023 on YouTube by the…
This free online course, to help teach people how to fact-check articles, is…
Sarah Pavey, Rosie Jones and Andrew Walsh talk about teaching information…
A self-paced tutorial from Colorado State University Libraries on advanced…
Video of a 15 minute presentation from Louise Frith and Sarah Webb from…
A video of a talk by Siobhan Britton of Chelsea College of Arts Library on how…
In this presentation at FestivIL by LILAC 2021, Emily Drabinski considers why…
Loki’s Loop is a University of Washington Information…
This repository from the Library of Congress (LOC) provides recordings and…
An open access video game to celebrate Open Access week 2020 created by UCLA…
Two reports from Project Information Literacy (PIL), with learning resources,…
A toolkit developed by Monash University staff to guide staff to teach…
Recording of a webinar by the ACRL Distance Learning Section Instruction…
Tutorials from the Idaho Library Commission showcase covering: The Reference…
A self-directed course created and run by Information Services Group at The…
Masterclass presentation given at LILAC 2018 by V. Alfredsson, . & L. Bjur…
Developed by the CILIP Information Literacy Group, these 11 short videos were…
Produced by Niagara College, Canada, in collaboration with Brock University and…
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Upskilling for library staff. A collection curated with ❤️ by Artefacto